Getting Feedback
Posted On Saturday, June 27, 2009 at at 3:00 AM by Rosalie T. SchrautNidia Fevry of Boston College writes that we must firstly consider all of the benefits of getting feedback: they include avoiding common pitfalls and also completing relevant work. The person seeking the feedback must welcome it as valuable constructive criticism--instead of shying away from it as a personal attack. Although many companies have formal reviews set up as a way to dispense feedback, it is important to be diligent in seeking your own feedback in order to ensure that you are on course. This can best be accomplished by establishing rapport with your team-members from the onset so that when the time comes, you can create an open space to ask them for feedback. I would recommend setting up time to sit down and have strategic questions prepared so that you can both gauge your performance thus far as well as gain tips that will help you better execute your role moving forward.