A company's report card- Top 8 attributes to evaluate if your company is the right fit for you or not by Jim Crawford

1) Ethics- Does your company practice ethics that match your personal morals?
2) Growth- Can you picture yourself thriving within this organization?
3) Serving- Do you believe you can add value to the company, your team, or organization?
4) Modeling- Does your company represent success and meaningful work to you?
5) Development- Are there opportunities to personally grow and build mentors/sponsors for yourself within your organization?
6) Relating- Do you relate with people and enjoy working for your organization?
7) Motivation- Does your company provide relevant benefits and equitable compensation?
8) Feasibility- Do you see opportunities available within the company to do work you enjoy granted your short-term or long-term career plans?

Consider the eight attributes above and weight the importance of each of these as:
1) not very important
2) somewhat important
3) very important

Next rate each of the eight attributes on 1-10 scale; one being the lowest score possible and 10 being a perfect score for each attribute. Next, multiple the weight of each attribute with each attribute’s scalable rating, respectively. Sum the total score of all eight attributes for your company/organization and compare the results against your ideal/dream company or organization. Lastly, calculate the letter grade you would give your current organization granted its numerical average in comparison to your ideal company or a perfect score.

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