Develop Examples from Your Summer Experience

Tanisha Swaby (Florida A&M University) stresses that this summer is a great opportunity for you to develop more stories you can talk about in your interviews. As you gain exposure this summer, think about how you can mold these new experiences into examples you can share in upcoming interviews. During this time, we should also continually prepare via telling our story to several people, such as an assigned mentor, your MLT coach or even other interns. The practice will better prepare you for your interviews in the fall. Erica Beal (Georgetown University) recommends keeping a journal all summer with detailed accounts of everything that happens during your internship and how you handled each situation. Then, at the end of the summer, review your journal and share these specific examples in your interview. Employers always ask the same problem solving/management questions in interviews, so it’s better to share details and go into specifics rather that deliver general answers anyone can give. Also, practice, practice, practice with peers or parents or anyone willing to help. John Gonzalez (Carnegie Mellon University) adds that you should anticipate questions the employer will ask and have a story directly relating to a previous internship as a response. Additionally, try to emphasize how the previous summer's work puts you in a better position than the competition.

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